Elizabeth Wood
Died 2nd October 1849
Unfortunately we have not found a great deal out about Elizabeth yet. We do know that she was living in Bondgate, Alnwick when she died of cholera on the 2nd October 1849
Elizabeth was 73 when she succumbed. She was therefore born about 1776. On the death notice in the Newcastle Courant it said she was the “wife of Thomas Wood, slater”.
Several Thomas Woods came from Embleton, and it is difficult to be more precise with Margaret’s husband. We do not have her maiden name and she does not appear on the 1841 census for Alnwick.
If you are researching Elizabeth or Thomas Wood, and you have any information, Alnwick Branch of the Northumberland and Durham Family History Society would love to hear from you.
You can use email familyhistory@bailiffgatemuseum.co.uk
or you can fill in one of the contact slips on our family history desk at Bailiffgate Museum and put it in the silver tin.