With the help of Bailiffgate Museum and the Heritage Lottery Fund, Amble First School has realised a long-held dream.  Part of the Museums ambitious Schools Project, Amble First wanted to produce a child friendly book for their pupils to use to find out more about their locality.

The children and staff have spent several months researching, writing, drawing and tapping into memories of past pupils and friends of the school and using the wealth of information in the Head Teachers diaries covering the last century, and dating from 1867.

With the help of a pupils father, using his expertise of producing and printing, the head teacher, Joyce Jenkins, her staff and all the pupils from Nursery up to Year 4, have produced a colourful and entertaining book worthy of any bookshelf.

The book, dedicated to their very own Edwin St Kid, covers Ambles past, present and future is now available to buy in Bailiffgate Museum, price £7.99.