Our Collections

Stella Vine pictures, wonderful old photographs and documents and lots more to see..

Bailiffgate Museum and Gallery holds a wide range of collections, from printed and written material through to physical items such as war memorabilia, flint tools etc – all related in some way to the local history of North Northumbria.

It is only possible to display a fraction of these in our museum cabinets, so a project has begun to make, eventually every collection fully visible and detailed online. This is a major task which will take the team years rather than months, and have begin with our photograph, document and poster collections plus some outstanding artworks from local-raised artist Stella Vine.

We are also very interested to share photographs, images of items or any other material which is of interest relating to Alnwick and District, its people or its history. If you have anything which you would like the community to access please email ask@bailiffgatemuseum.co.uk with an image file and any information you can give about what is shown and how you came by this image/item

Note: You may be able to access a downloadable file at higher resolution.of any particular image(s) that are of interest, to print for private use. Please contact us stating the titles of the images you are interested in so that we can check availability (a donation to museum funds will be invited for this service)