Stories From Our Collections 

Alnwick has been blessed over the years with a range of characters whose stories make fascinating reading. The aim of this section is to bring you as many of their stories as we can uncover:


John Woodhouse – Artist on glass

Peter HorburyOne of the most influential car designers in the world

The Cook Sisters– Rescuing Jewish People from Nazis

W T Stead – Nobel Prize nominee and Titanic Hero

Eleanor Code– Fine local creations in stone

Sir George Airey– Guiding Mankind to Mars

John Common – Inventor, who never gained the potential of his efforts

John Busby– Supplying Sydney with clean water

The Two Roberts– Alnwick’s first “fliers”

The Gibbs An artistic family with a local mystery

William Davison Apothecary and Prolific Printer

Isabella Ferguson  – Rebuilding her family from the ravages of Cholera


 The Funeral of the Red Baron-With Rev George Marshall officiating


Douglas Common– who left us a unique record of the period when World War and Variety formed a heady mix to entertain the people of Alnwick

John Hall Sanderson, whose collection of photographs forms an amazing record of life in the Alnwick area just before WW1.

William Percy – creating clothing for Queens of Europe

Sgt Doyle, whose amazing military career encompassed 7 major battles, including Waterloo!

Reverent George Marshall whose bravery and environmental interest was outstanding

George Wilkin and his contribution to reducing Victorian deaths

M R G Conzen– Making Alnwick Famous

Robert Rawlinson– Tackling the scourge of Cholera


The Phoenix – Cheerfulness from those who had been to hell and back

Militia Documents – From a time when local men were expected to protect our community

Theatre in Alnwick – Going back  to at least 1796

Alnwick Golden Jubilee Celebrations  in 1887

Heroes of the Alnwick Soup Kitchens – when food  was too expensive for everyone once before