Local WW1 Memorials

There are many poignant memorials in our area, some with extra sadness when examined in detail.

One example is at that beside Amble town square:

Amble war memorial                       Notice that the donor had two sons lost

If you notice a particular name that interests you on any memorial please  see our database of all the local fallen to discover more about that particular person.

If you have any information about any of the fallen, do please contact us using the form below so your information (or picture) can be added:

    Guidance is needed on researching the war record of an ancestor who served during the First World War
    Please provide as much information as you know about your ancestor(s)
    For example: Name; Date of birth; Army, Navy or RFC / RAF; Regiment; Regimental number; Date of death; Theatre of operations; Home address: Family names of wife, parents, etc.

    I should like to play an active role in delivering one or more of the projects, activities or events
    Please indicate in what way you're willing/able to help & when this might be.

    I have information & / or images suitable for adding to the casualty research database
    Please indicate in what way you're willing/able to help & when this might be.

    I may have memorabilia which could be suitable for display in any planned exhibition(s) at the Bailiffgate Museum or elsewhere
    Please indicate what sort of memorabilia you have

    I/we should like to help & support one or more of the projects, activities or events
    In what way(s) would you like to help, support &, maybe, sponsor the projects?

    Information is needed on particular aspects of the Great War, either on the Home Front or in an overseas theatre of war
    Please specify as fully as you are able either here or in the space provided at the end of this response form