Western Front Association
Northumberland Branch

2014 Speaker Programme

27 January                             ‘Tynemouth WW1 Project’                                                Alan Fidler

24 February                          ‘British Politics & the First World War’                           Dr Martin Farr

24 March                               ‘Haig:  A Reappraisal’                                                         Professor John Derry

28 April                                  ‘The Martial Traditions of the North East of                 Dr Dan Jackson

England:  Understanding the rush to the

Colours in 1914

26 May                                   ‘Connect a River, Town & Castle – Answer,                    Phil Huntley

                                                Northumbrian Warship’

23 June                                  ‘War is the Father of All Things’                                       John Mason Sneddon

28 July                                    ‘L’Armée de Terre Francaise, 1914’                                  Peter Hart

25 August                              No formal meeting in August                                           –

22 September                      ‘Walking the Front – History, Heritage & Helping        Andrew Charlton

27 October                           ‘Starfish Trench, Gird Lines & Hook Sap – The 1/7th      Dave Barras

                                                Northumberland Fusiliers part in the Battle of the

Somme, August to November 1916’

24 November                       ‘Tannenberg, 1914’                                                             Derek Gladding & David Easton 

22 December                       No formal meeting in December

Enquiries to:

Chairman                                             Secretary                                              Speaker programme

Neil Brison                                           David Easton                                        David Thompson

01665 – 602349                                                     01665 – 830928                                                      01665 – 710718

12 December 2013

To contact us about attending future meetings or the work of the WFA please use the form below
