World War 1

Search the known records to date of those lost from the wider Alnwick area in World War 1

Generally showing where they are commemorated, when they died and some basic facts about each person. There are gaps, however, so if you can fill in any missing details do please contact us.

John Henry Hope

John Henry



Service Number:


Royal Horse Artillery & Royal Field Artillery, 'B' Battery, 212th Brigade.



St. Hilaire Cemetery & Extension, Frévent

Service History:
Enlisted at Newcastle upon Tyne, Northumberland.

Formerly Private, Royal Army Service Corps Remounts, R.T.S. 1661 - joined 14 December 1914.

Served with the Expeditionary Force in France & Flanders from 27 January 1917.

Transferred to the Royal Field Artillery.

Died at No. 6 Stationary Hospital from wounds received in action at Bethune the previous day.
(Sources: 'UK, De Ruvigny's Roll of Honour 1914-18'; Part 5; Page 88. Also, 'Portraits of War...'; Edited & compiled by June Watson; Wildgoose Press; 2016; p. 72)

Born on 25 February, 1893, at Warenton, Northumberland, the son of Thomasina Hope (daughter of Thomas Pace Fleetham), of Birling, North Field, Warkworth, Northumberland, & the late Robert Hope.

Two brothers - George T. & Robert T. (served with the Royal Irish Regiment & badly wounded in October 1918 when he lost his right leg) - & two sisters, Margeretta & Mary Rutter Hope.

Educated at Lesbury, Northumberland.

In 1911, Hope was employed as a Groom (Domestic) at Horton Grange, Woolsington, Newcastle upon Tyne, where he was living in as a boarder. Subsequently, he may have been a more general Farm Worker.
(Sources: 'UK, De Ruvigny's Roll of Honour 1914-18'; Part 5; Page 88. Also, 'Portraits of War...'; Edited & compiled by June Watson; Wildgoose Press; 2016; p. 72)

Local Memorial:
Probably, Warkworth War Memorial, by St Lawrence's Church Warkworth, United Reformed Church Roll of Honour (N.B. The element of doubt is whether or not this man, who has Warkworth connections, may have been confused with John Henry [Harold] Hope who is m