World War 1
Search the known records to date of those lost from the wider Alnwick area in World War 1
Generally showing where they are commemorated, when they died and some basic facts about each person. There are gaps, however, so if you can fill in any missing details do please contact us.
Charles Henry Yeaman
Charles Henry
Service Number:
2nd Lieutenant
Durham Light Infantry, 1/7th Battalion Territorial Force
Gateshead East Cemetery, County Durham
Service History:
On 9 February 1916, Yeaman was given permission to enlist by the County Council Education Committee, & he joined the Durham Light Infantry's 3/7th Battalion Territorial Force, but he never served abroad.
In September 1916 Yeaman fell ill with appendicitis & was taken to Armstrong College Hospital at Newcastle. On 15 September, he underwent surgery to remove his appendix but died of heart failure.
Yeaman received a military funeral, his coffin being carried from his home at 36, St. Edmund's Road to Gateshead East Cemetery on a gun carriage, & it was carried to the grave by six of his brother officers. There was also a 40-strong firing party commanded by Captain Tillbrook.
Born on 11 May 1890, at Gateshead, County Durham, the eighth of elevan children of Robert Yeaman (a Headteacher of a school in Gateshead), by his wife, Annie Yeaman (née Wilson).
Six brothers - George; John Wilson; Robert D.; William C.; Frederick; & Norman - & four sisters - Annie; Florence Evelyn; Olive Mary; & Alice Maud Yeaman.
Educated at South Street Council School; Gateshead Secondary School; three years at Shipcote Council School (attending Gateshead Pupil Teacher Centre); & one year as an unqualified assistant teacher at Victoria Road School, all in Gateshead; then to Bede College, Durham, where Yeaman, too, trained as a Schoolmaster (from 1910 to 1912) before taking up a teaching position at Dunstan Hill Council School.
Pre-enlistment occupation: Teacher.
Robert Yeaman maintained a second house at 3, North Terrace, Felton, perhaps for use as a retirement home for himself & his wife.
Local Memorial:
Durham, County Hall War Memorial
Felton War Memorial incorporating Acton, Eshott, Swarland & Thirston
Gateshead, Plaque & stained-glass window in St. Edmund's Church
(Source: For Durham & Gateshead,