World War 1

Search the known records to date of those lost from the wider Alnwick area in World War 1

Generally showing where they are commemorated, when they died and some basic facts about each person. There are gaps, however, so if you can fill in any missing details do please contact us.

Robert Collingwood Roddam, MC, MD

Robert Collingwood

Roddam, MC, MD


Service Number:


Northumberland Fusiliers, 3rd (Reserve) Battalion attached to 1st Battalion



Menin Gate Memorial, Ieper

Service History:
Began his military career in the 7th Battalion Northumberland Fusiliers as 2nd Lieutenant in August 1908, & transferred to the 3rd Special Reserve, commanded by his father, in 1910. In 1911, Roddam, now 21, was living at Talavara Barracks, Area 11c, Wellington Lines, Aldershot, serving with the same battalion. He was promoted to Lieutenant on 2 December 1912.

Roddam was in Ceylon at the outbreak of war but immediately returned to England to re-join his battalion, before going to France early in December 1914, attached to its sister 1st Battalion, as Lieutenant. His promotion to Captain, dated from February 1915, was gazetted on 4 June 1915.

On 16 June 1915, Captain Roddam was commanding 'Y' Company on the left of the Battalion's line of attack on German trenches at Hooge. He led his Company gallantly & reached the trenches some 10 yards ahead of his Company, when he was injured, shot through the head. He was taken to a dressing station but died shortly afterwards.

He was buried the following day & a cross was placed on the grave. Unfortunately, the grave was later lost.

His Colonel (later, Brigadier General Ainslie) wrote:

'He will be a great loss as an officer, in fact I know of no one who shaped better or showed more soldier-like qualities. Over & over again he has been in very nasty situations & every time he has come out smiling & kept his end up splendidly. It will be a consolation to you to know what a tip-top officer he was.'

Mentioned in Sir John French's Despatch of 31 May 1915 for gallant & distinguished service in the field.

Awarded the Military Cross ('London Gazette', 23 June 1915) for gallantry with the handful of men in the advanced trench left capable, after having their trench mined at St. Eloi, 14 April.
(Sources include: 'The Bond of Sacrifice'; Volume 2, January to June 1915, Page 400; & 'UK, De Ruvigny's Roll of Honour 1914-18', Part 1, Page 310)

Born on 10 January, 1890, at Ilderton, Northumberland, the only son of Lieutenant-Colonel Roddam John Roddam O.B.E., J.P., B.A., (b.1857 in Scotland), of Roddam Hall, Alnwick, Northumberland, & his wife Helen Fredericka (b.1858; youngest daughter of Captain Alexander Taubman Goldie, of The Hermitage, Isle of Man; late Royal Navy). Lieutenant-Colonel Roddam had previously commanded the 3rd Battalion Northumberland Fusiliers & he commanded the regiment's 15th (Reserve) Battalion for a time during the war.

The 1891 Census records Roddam, age one, living with his parents & sister, Olive M. R. (b.1885 in Surrey), at Roddam Hall. The family employed four house servants.

Educated at Wellington College. Roddam was a good all-round sportsman.

Family residences also included Green(s)field House, Powburn.
(Sources include: 'The Bond of Sacrifice'; Volume 2, January to June 1915, Page 400; & 'UK, De Ruvigny's Roll of Honour 1914-18', Part 1, Page 310)

Local Memorial:
Alnmouth, Golf Club Roll of Honour Ingram, memorial window to Roddam on the south side of St MichaelÂ’s Church Kotmale War Memorial, Sri Lanka (formerly Ceylon) Whittingham, St Bartholomew's Church Roll of Honour Whittingham & Callaly 1914-1918 Memori