The Memory Store 

In this project we  captured and share for posterity a range of memories of those who have worked and lived in the Alnwick area.


How Milk was delivered in former Times 

   Dougie Hedley explains how a mans best friend was his horse                  Tony  when delivering milk around Alnwick by yourself at 15.


   References: Milkman, deliveries, horse, Percy Terrace, Howick Street,           Lisburn Street, Green Batt, Beacoms Dairy Farm

Recordings from Percy Terrace 


How Percy House became a haven for students from all over the          world.


References:  Percy House, Percy Terrace, St Cloud University, America,        Germany, Switzerland




   Jamie and his Music. How a gifted player views his art..


References:   Jamie. Percy Terrace Project, Music, Violin




    The charming Lindley children (plus dog)  tell the story

                               of their house


         ( For other audio memories of Percy Terrace  go here)





The Olympic Torch in 2012

                                                                             Northern Flame- inspired by the Olympic Torchs journey through Northumberland in 2012,

This film relays the stories, heritage and culture of  just some of the folk who live here.         

( Bailiffgate Volunteers appear on stage at 7.00  mins)

Play Video                            



Visit of the Prince of Wales 


The Prince of Wales (Future Edward VIII)      

 arrives at Alnwick station in 1923              

and visits the War Memorial                    

Play Video                              .