Swansfield Park History Project

A cycle of monthly meetings took place from January through to June 2015 to identify and recreate the history of Swansfield area. They were all held at Swansfield Park School and included active participation by the school itelf. A culmination of this effort was a poular exhibition at the mueum during July and August 2015.


                                                       One of the meetings at Swansfield Park School


                                                               Pupils at the exhibition in Bailiffgate Museum

We  recorded evocative audio interviews covering life in the area from the 1930s through to the present, and there are still more to do. If you have any particular memories of growing up in St Georges Crescent, Lindisfarne Road or Swansfield Park Road then do tell us about the via the museum

Swansfield In the News…

A research group was formed to find out about residents between 1900 to 1930s . We recently found the following article in a 1912 edition of the Alnwick Mercury.



 Swansfield Park January to June Photography Project

More and more photographs are coming to light of the area, some going back to the early 1900s, so we’d like to make a visual record of the area as it is now. We want to encourage residents to take photographs of anything they think might be of interest to people in the future. It will provide a unique historical record of the area and will be archived at the Museum for anyone to access. They can also be included on the DVD

If you are interested in contributing photographs you soon find details on this website of how to submit your images, technical requirements etc. or you can come along to one of the project meetings at the school. You’ll be very welcome.Hope to see you there

(There has also been quite a bit of recent activity on “Alnwick Memories” Facebook site, with an aerial image of St Georges Crescent from the 1930s posted along with family pictures and comments.)

60 Years On -held in Bailiffgate Museum in summer 2015 celebrated six decades of the schools life that began as Alnwick South First School in 1955. The exhibition combines childrens current work and a dip into the past with memories, stories, photographs and memorabilia from the last 60 years. In that time over 3000 children have received their first taste of education at the school.

Children have interviewed former pupils, including one family who have seen three generations pass through the school. Their memories and stories provide a fascinating portrait of how important the school has been to individuals and the surrounding community. 

The exhibition also sees the unveiling of the Swansfield Park 60th anniversary proggy mat style wall hanging made by staff and children with artist Margaret Kenny.

The exhibition marks a new phase in the school’s life with a new name and uniform and will be of great interest to many Alnwick families and those who are interested in how schools have changed in the last 60 years. 

Please email any thoughts and suggestions to ask@bailiffgatemuseum.co.uk or write to the museum, for the attention of Jane Mann.      


Jane Mann, Jill Mallen and Harry Henderson